I have gotten a couple of questions emailed to me directly on how to hide
all open toolbars and then to display them back the way they were.  Here is
some sample code that will demonstrate this:

Dim MyTbs() As String

Sub CloseToolbars()
    ReDim MyTbs(0) As String
    Dim tb As Toolbar
    For Each tb In Toolbars
        If tb.Visible = True Then
            tb.Visible = False
            ReDim Preserve MyTbs(UBound(MyTbs) + 1) As String
            MyTbs(UBound(MyTbs)) = tb.Name
        End If
    Next tb
End Sub

Sub ResetToolbars()
    For i = 1 To UBound(MyTbs)
        Toolbars(MyTbs(i)).Visible = True
    Next i
End Sub

If you have any questions, let me know.