> From: "Dan Hirschfeld" 
> Subject: Progress Bar or other user messaging
> Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 17:46:07 -0600
> Newsgroups: microsoft.public.excel.programming
> I have an application that uploads records to a mainframe, and the upload
> can take up to a minute or two.  Sometimes the users get antsy, and I would
> like to at least tell them that the process is running, and optimally to be
> able to give a "Progress Bar" with the little dots or squares gradually
> progressing across it.  Anything out there on the market like this?
> Minimally, I need to put a message on the screen while the process is
> running.  (it runs in a loop).

The simple solution is to use 

Application.StatusBar  = "Message"

to provide an updating message as the macro progresses.

Other solutions, including a progress bar with squares can be found at 
various sites including John Walkenbach's web page:



John Green - Excel MVP