Perhaps someone else will have an easier way as I must admit that the way below is a bit of a pain, but this will work (by the way, this is in Excel 97, I think it's the same in Excel 95 but I'll have to check): 1. Select all the cells on the worksheet. 2. Go to Format > Cell and select the Protection tab 3. Clear the box for Locked and click on OK 4. Select the cell you want to protect 5. Go back to Format > Cell and again select the Protection tab 6. Put a check in the box marked Locked and click OK (you can reduce the steps by selecting all but the one you want protected the first time around, but it depends on your data as to which is easier) 7. Go to Tool > Protection and select Protect Sheet. This technically protects the whole sheet, but all the cells except the one you don't want changed are unlocked so they can be changed. I won't feel hurt at all if someone can come up with something easier than this. Good luck, Michael Oba-Underwood